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  1. J.Roth and N.Tran, Beurteilung der Ganzkorperbestrahlung mit Hilfe von Volumen-Dosis-Histogrammen, Z. Med. Phys. 3 (1993) 1
  2. R.Jullien, N.Olivi-Tran, A.Hasmy, T.Woignier, J.Phalippou, D.Bourret, R.Sempere, Scaling theory and numerical simulations of aerogel sintering, J. of Non-Cryst. Sol. 188 (1995) 1
  3. N.Olivi-Tran and R.Jullien, Numerical simulations of aerogel sintering, Phys. Rev. B 52 (1995) 258
  4. N.Olivi-Tran, R.Jullien and G.W.Cohen-Solal, The sintering of a fractal array of cylinders, Europhys. Lett. 30 (1995) 393
  5. N.Olivi-Tran and R.Jullien, Numerical simulations of sintering, application to partially densified aerogels, J. of Sol-Gel Sci. and Techn. 8 (1997) 813-817.
  6. N.Olivi-Tran, Simulations numériques des mécanismes de densification des aérogels de silice, Thèse de Doctorat, Montpellier (1995)
  7. N.Olivi-Tran, R.Thouy and R.Jullien, Sintering of mass fractals by surface diffusion or by viscous flow: numerical and scaling approaches in $d=2$, J. Phys. I 6 (1996) 557
  8. N.Olivi-Tran et M.Leleyter, Electronic structure of a fractal aggregate of carbon atoms int the sp2 hybridization by the Huckel method, J. of Phys. Cond. Matt. 8 (1996) 4361.
  9. N.Olivi-Tran, M.Leleyter and R.Thouy, Electronic spectral dimension of a fractal aggregate taking account of hybridization, J. of Phys. Cond. Matt. 9 (1997) L225-L229.
  10. R.Thouy, N. Olivi-Tran and R. Jullien, Fragmentation of two-dimensional mass-fractals by surface diffusion sintering, Phys. Rev. B. 56 (1997) 5321.
  11. N.Olivi-Tran, R.Botet and B.Cabane, Monte-Carlo simulation of colloidal suspensions under shear, Phys. Rev. E. 57 (1998) 1997.
  12. A.Hasmy, N.Olivi-Tran and R.Jullien, Numerical simulation of gas transport inside aerogel pores, J. of Phys. Cond. Matt. 10 (1998) 4947.
  13. N.Olivi-Tran, G.Labeyrie, C.Mueller, R. Kaiser and C. Miniatura,Backscattering in fractal aggregates theoretical and numerical studies, J. Of. Phys. B, 31 (1998) 4467.
  14. N.Olivi-Tran, A.Hasmy, Percolation approach to aerogel gas permeability, J.of Phys.Cond. Matt. 11 (1999) 7971.
  15. A.Hasmy, N.Olivi-Tran,Diffusivity and pores distribution in fractal and random media, Phys. Rev. E, 59, (1999) 3012.
  16. N.Olivi-Tran, A.Lecomte, P.Lenormand, and A.Dauger Fragmentation by thermal relaxation of zirconium oxide aerogels, J.of Phys.Cond.Matt. 32 (2000) 7547.
  17. S.Residori, N.Olivi-Tran and E.Pampaloni, Geometrical frustration in 2D optical patterns, Eur. Phys. J. D 12 (2000) 15-20.
  18. P.Jund, M.Benoit, D.Caprion, A.Hasmy, S.Ispas, N.Olivi-Tran, M.Rarivomanantsoa, R.Thouy and R.Jullien, Les activités de modélisation au Laboratoires des Verres, Verres 5 (2000) 3.
  19. N.Olivi-Tran, G.Batrouni and A.Hansen, Crack formation in twodimensional annular networks, J. of Phys. Cond.Matt. 13 (2001) L135-L140.
  20. S.Residori and N.Olivi-Tran Constrained order in 2D optical patterns, Eur Phys. J. D. 17 (2001) 255.
  21. N.Olivi-Tran, N.Fraysse, P.Girard, M.Ramonda and D.Chatain, Modeling and simulations of the behavior of glass particles in a rotating drum in heptan and water vapor atmospheres Eur. Phys. J. B 25 (2002) 217.
  22. N.Olivi-Tran, Vibrational characteristics of cracks in twodimensional annular networks: numerical study of spectral dimensions, Modelling and Sim. in Mat. Sc. and Eng. 11 (2003) 77.
  23. .
  24. C.Favard, N.Olivi-Tran and J.L.Meunier, FRAP experiments in living cells : evidence for anomalous diffusion of membrane bound proteins submitted to Europhys. Lett. (ArXiv: cond-mat/0210703).
  25. N.Olivi-Tran and M.Leleyter, Silica fractal atomic clusters saturated with OH Chaos Solitons and Fractals 17 (2003) 819.
  26. N.Olivi-Tran, O.Pozo and N.Fraysse, Numerical simulation of avalanches of a bi-disperse granulate in a humid atmosphere Sim. and Mod. in Mat. Sc. and Eng. 12 (2004) 671.
  27. N.Olivi-Tran, Fractales et Milieux Divisés Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches, Novembre 2003, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis.
  28. S.Kanani and N.Olivi-Tran, Multiple scattering on regular fractal aggregates: analyzis of the backscattered intensity Chaos Solitons and Fractals 25 (2005) 525.
  29. N.Olivi-Tran, P.Lenormand, A.Lecomte and A.Dauger, Molecular Dynamics approach of sol-gel transition: comparison with experiments Physica A 354 (2005) 10.
  30. N.Olivi-Tran, O.Pozo and N.Fraysse, Constant rate shearing on two dimensional cohesive disks in Powder and Grains 2005, R.Garcia-Rojo, H.J.Herrmann, S.McNamara Eds.,A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2005.
  31. O.Pozo, N.Fraysse and N.Olivi-Tran, Ageing in the stick-slip motion for an humid granular medium in Powder and Grains 2005, R.Garcia-Rojo, H.J.Herrmann, S.McNamara Eds.,A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2005.
  32. O.Pozo, N.Fraysse and N.Olivi-Tran, Sheared humid granular media: From stick-slip dynamics to microscopic aspects in Powder and Grains 2005, R.Garcia-Rojo, H.J.Herrmann, S.McNamara Eds.,A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2005.
  33. N.Olivi-Tran, A.Boulle, A.Gaudon and A.Dauger, Morphological instabilities of a thin film on a Penrose lattice: a Monte Carlo study Physics Letters A 351 (2006) 426(ArXiv: cond-mat/0503576).
  34. N.Olivi-Tran, O.Pozo and N.Fraysse, Constant rate shearing on two dimensional cohesive discs J. of Phys. Cond.Matt. 17 (2005) 5677 (ArXiv: cond-mat/0505231).
  35. J.L.Meunier, N.Olivi-Tran, C.Favard, Variable radii FRAP and anomalous diffusion: Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data on cells Proceedings of the15th IUPAB and 5th EBSA International Biophysics Congress, European Biophys. J. 34 (2005)
  36. X.Zhou, N.Olivi-Tran, A.Gaudon, A.Dauger, Morphological instabilities during thermal relaxation of a thin film: a Monte-Carlo study J. of Alloy and Compounds 434-435 (2007) 555
  37. O.Pozo, B.Soulestin and N.Olivi-Tran, Stick Slip in grain grain friction in a humid atmopshere, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures(MMMS) Vol.4 no.4 (2008) 393-405(ArXiv:cond-mat/0510532).
  38. F.Lallet, R.Bachelet, A.Dauger and N.Olivi-Tran, Monte Carlo approach to island formation during thermal treatment of thin films, Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 075411 (9 pages).
  39. F.Lallet, R.Bachelet, A.Dauger and N.Olivi-Tran, Monte Carlo approach to island formation during thermal treatment of thin films, Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, vol.14, issue 8.
  40. F.Lallet, A.Dauger and N.Olivi-Tran, Comparison between models of insulator and semiconductor thin films islanding, physica statu solidi c 4 (2007) 1189.
  41. F.Lallet and N.Olivi-Tran, Micrometric-sized particles in a twodimensional self assembly during drying of a liquid film, Phys Rev E 74 (2006) 061401 (ArXiv:cond-mat/0609242).
  42. F.Lallet and N.Olivi-Tran, Micrometric-sized particles in a twodimensional self assembly during drying of a liquid film, Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 18 december 2006
  43. O.Pozo and N.Olivi-Tran, Effects of elasticity on the shape of measured shear signals in a two-dimensional assembly of disks Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures(MMMS) vol.4 no.2 (2008) pp.179-188
  44. F.Lallet, N.Olivi-Tran and A.Dauger, Experiments and simulations of thin solid films islanding book chapter in ' Ceramics Materials: Research Trends' Editor Paul B.Lin Nova Science Publishers Inc. New York 2007
  45. N.Olivi-Tran and P.M.Gauthier, The FLRW cosmological model revisited: Relation on the local time with the local curvature and consequences on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. vol.2 no 6 (2008) 267-270 (published online, freely available at
  46. F.Lallet, N.Olivi-Tran and L.J.Lewis Interface energies of (100)_{YSZ} and (111)_{YSZ} epitaxial islands on (0001)_{alpha-Al_2O_3} substrates from first principlesPhys. Rev. B 79 (2009) 035413 (12 pages) (ArXiv:0801.3594v1)
  47. K.Hsieh, F.Lallet and N.Olivi-Tran DLCA and Langevin Dynamics Approaches of Sol Gel Transition: a comparison via the fractal dimension FRACTALS Vol.16 issue 4 (2008)361-365
  48. N.Olivi-Tran, S. Kanani, I.Robbins The role of the extra cellular matrix on memory Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol.1, no 1 (2009) 9-14 ( published online, freely available at [hal-00134775 - version 2] (2007-03-22)
  49. N.Olivi-Tran Surface fraction of random close packing in two dimensions calculated exactlyAdv. Studies in Theo. Phys. Vol. 2, 2008, no. 20, 975 - 978( published online,freely available at ; arXiv:cond-mat/0808.4070)
  50. M.Leleyter and N.Olivi-Tran Tight-Binding Study of Si2Cn (n=3 to 42) Fullerene-like or Nanodimaonds Microclusters: are Si atoms isolated or adjacent? Eur. Phys. J. D Vol.50 (2008) 153-163
  51. N.Olivi-Tran,S.Calas,P.Etienne Connectivity of hybrid polymer by numerical simulation: example of $(Si(CH_3)_2)_n(OSiO)_p(OH)_q$ J. of Polymers and the Env. vol.17 (2009) pp.187-190 ( arXiv:0810.1185 )
  52. N.Olivi-Tran,A.Ferchichi, S.Calas, P.Etienne, Total electronic energy by tight binding approximation and experimental toughness of three different hybrid polymers J. of Non-Cryst. Solids Vol.356 (2010) 287-289( arXiv:0811.1487 )
  53. N.Olivi-Tran Dimensional analysis of Einstein's fields equations Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 3, 2009, no. 1, 9 - 12 (published online,freely available at
  54. N.Olivi-Tran and A.Faivre Analysis of a Lennard-Jones fcc structure melting to the corresponding frozen liquid: differences between the bulk and the surface Physica B 404 (2009) 2289-2293 ( arXiv:0902.4101 )
  55. F.Lallet, N.Olivi-Tran Sol-gel obtained YSZ nanocrystals on a substrate: a Monte Carlo approach of the crystallographic orientation J.of Luminescence vol.129 (2009) pp.1767-1770 (arXiv:0902.4104 )
  56. N.Olivi-Tran Numerical study of the antiferromagnetic Ising model on a hypersphere Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 3, 2009, no. 12, 481 - 488 (published online,freely available at;ArXiv:physics/0504041).
  57. J.R.Darias and N.Olivi-Tran Two dimensional curved disks on a sphere: the evolution of kinetic energyAdv. Theor. Appl. Mech., Vol. 2, 2009, no. 4, 159 - 165 (published online,freely available at;arXiv:cond-mat/0702013
  58. N.Olivi-Tran What if our three dimensional curved universe was embedded in four dimensional space? Consequences on the EPR paradoxAdv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 3, 2009, no. 12, 489 - 492,( published online,freely available at
  59. N.Olivi-Tran Pure, Si and sp3-C-doped graphene nanoflakes: A numerical study of density of states Physica B Volume: 405 Issue: 12 Pages: 2749-2752 Published: JUN 15 2010 (arXiv:1002.1888)
  60. N.Olivi-Tran Is it the Higgs scalar field? Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics Vol. 4, 2010, no. 13, 633 - 636 (now published online;; open access journal)
  61. Biographical Sketch of Nathalie Olivi-Tran in Superconductivity and Condensed Matter Research Biographical Sketches and Research SummariesSeries:Superconductivity Research and Applications Binding: Hardcover Pub. Date: 2011 3rd quarter Pages: 7 x 10 (NBC - M) ISBN: 978-1-61209-785-5 Status: FM
  62. N.Olivi-Tran Do antiparticles cause locally an opposite curvature of space than particles? Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 5, 2011, no. 5, 207 - 210 (now published online at, open access journal)
  63. N.Olivi-Tran Is the rate of expansion of our universe really accelerating? Adv. Studies Theor. Phys.Vol. 5, 2011, no. 13, 633 - 638(published online ,, open access journal)
  64. N.Olivi-Tran, S. Kanani, I.Robbins Semantic versus syntactic:The role of the extra cellular matrix on memory Eur. Biophys. J. with Biophys. Lett. Vol. 40 Supplement: 1 pp. 69-69 (2011)
  65. F.Despetis, N.Bengourna, B.Lartigue, S.Spagnol and N.Olivi-Tran Three-dimensional reconstruction of aerogels from TEM images J. of Non-Cryst. Sol. 358 (2012) 1180 -1184
  66. N.Olivi-TranIs time quantized? Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics Vol. 6, 2012, no. 12, 563 - 568 (open access journal)
  67. N.Olivi-TranThe possible nature of dark energy and dark matter Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 6, 2012, no. 22, 1059 - 1063(open access journal)
  68. N.Olivi-TranAnd if there was no need of dark energy to explain the acceleration of the expansion of the universe?Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 7, 2013, no. 10, 467 - 470 (open access journal)
  69. N.Olivi-Tran and N.Gottiniaux A classification of elementary particles in d=4 following a simple geometrical hypothesis in real space Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 7, 2013, no. 18, 853-857 (open access journal)
  70. N.Olivi-Tran The masses of the first family of fermions and of the Higgs boson are equal to integer powers of 2 Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 8, 2014, no. 11, 511 - 516
  71. N.Bengourna, F.Despetis, L.Bonnet, R.Courson, P.Solignac, H.Satha and N.Olivi-Tran Textural, Structural and Electrical Characterizations of EMIMAc Silica Ionogels and Their Corresponding Aerogels Applied Physics Research; Vol. 6, No. 4; 2014
  72. N.Olivi-Tran The masses of the first family of fermions and of the Higgs boson are equal to integer powers of 2 Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings (2015) vol.258-259C pp. 272-275
  73. N.Olivi-Tran , Fourdimensional Universe where Time is Taken as a Length, and Dark Energy book chapter (chap.5) in ' Advances in Dark Energy Research' Editor Miranda L. Ortiz Nova Science Publishers Inc. New York 2015
  74. N. Olivi-Tran , Progressively doping graphene with Si: from graphene to silicene, a numerical study Applied Physics Research, 2015, 7 (6), pp.1
  75. A.Galarneau, A.Sachse, B.Said, C.H.Pelisson, P.Boscaro,N.Brun, L.Courtheoux ,N.Olivi-Tran, B.Coasne Hierarchical Porous Silica Monoliths : a Novel Class of Microreactors for Process intensification in Catalysis and Adsorption (January 2015) Comptes Rendus Chimie 19(1-2)
  76. N.Olivi-Tran A possible explanation of the nature of dark matter by Newtonian mechanics (January 2019)Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 13(4):151-154
  77. N.Olivi-Tran Theoretical approach to the masses of the elementary fermions Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 309-311C (2020) pp. 73-76
  78. N.Olivi-Tran, F. Despetis, A.Faivre, Modeling of deep indentation in brittle materials February 2020, Materials Research Express 7(3)
  79. N.Olivi-Tran Theoretical Calculations of the Masses of the Elementary Fermions book chapter in Accelerators and Colliders 2020 (Intechopen)

  80. Conference abstracts

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    1. DosisAngaben in der RoentgenDiagnostik: Ein Vergleich von verschiedenen RechnenProgrammen und DosisReferenzen (poster). H.W.Roser, N.Tran, J.Roth, Medizinische Physik 92, PP.192 (Basel, Oktober 1992)
    2. Sintering of silica aerogels approaches (poster). I.Beurroies, N.Tran, J.Phalippou, D.Bourret, T.Woignier, R.Sempere, European sol-gel summer school (Bierville, juillet 1993)
    3. Numerical simulations of aerogel sintering (poster). N.Tran, R.Jullien, G.W.Cohen-Solal, 4eme Journées de la Matière Condensée (Rennes, septembre 1994)
    4. Numerical simulations of sintering, application to partially densified aerogels (poster). N.Olivi-Tran, R.Jullien, 8th international workshop on glasses and ceramics from gels (Frao, septembre 1995)
    5. Numerical simulation of gas transport inside the pores of aerogels (invited talk). A.Hasmy, N.Olivi-Tran and R.Jullien, International Symposium on Aerogels 5 (Montpellier, septembre 1997)
    6. Fragmentation by thermal relaxation of zirconium oxide aerogels. N.Olivi-Tran, A.Lecomte, P.Lenormand and A.Dauger, Ecole des Nouveaux Chargés de Recherches 1999, (Autrans, mai 1999)
    7. Fragmentation by thermal relaxation of zirconium oxide aerogels. N.Olivi-Tran, A.Lecomte, P.Lenormand and A.Dauger, Ecole des Houches sur les milieux poreux désordonnés, (Les Houches , octobre 1999)
    8. Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials (CDM 2000, Stuttgart, 27-28 avril 2000)
    9. Simulation numérique d'une expérience de tambour tournant contenant des billes de verre sous atmosphère humide (Poster, Acte du colloque tome 2, pp.261). N.Olivi-Tran, N.Fraysse, D.Chatain, Ch.Henrique. Colloque physique et mécanique des matériaux granulaires, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Champs sur Marne, 5-7 septembre 2000)
    10. Constrained order in 2d optical patterns. N.Olivi-Tran and S.Residori (PhyStat, Paris, 25-26 janvier 2001)
    11. Réunion du GDR Milieux Divisés, Compaction et dynamique lente dans les milieux granulaires (ESPCI, Paris, 10 décembre 2002)
    12. Billes de verre dans un tambour tournant sous atmosphère humide d'eau ou d'heptane. N.Olivi-Tran and N.Fraysse (PhyStat, Paris, 30-31 janvier 2003)
    13. ISMANAM 2005 (Paris, 4-7 juillet 2005)
    14. Powder and Grains 2005 (Stuttgart, 18-22 juillet 2005)


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    1. Convention d'échanges CNRS-FONACIT1998 (France-Vénézuela)
    2. Convention d'échanges CNRS-FONACIT 1999 (France-Vénézuela)
    3. Action Concertée Incitative Jeunes Chercheurs 'Structures Localisées' 1999-2003
    4. Programme de Coopération Postgraduée (France-Vénézuela) 2005-2008
    5. Convention d'échanges CNRS-FONACIT 2004-2006 (France-Vénézuela)